Capitol Knowledge
Captiol Knowledge Consulting  
Expertise Leadership Development Consulting Capitol Hill Consulting Direct Advocacy Consulting Capitol Knowledge


Strategic Planning Strategic Planning

Capitol Knowledge positively represents organizations by focusing on political action, engaging policymakers and collaborating with various stakeholders. Success starts with a strategic planning process that aligns the government affairs mission with the organization’s business goals and objectives, establishes buy-in from key stakeholders, creates value across lines of business and hierarchy, aligns with an organization’s risk culture, and has realistic deliverables.
Leadership Development Leadership Development

Like all organizational leaders, government affairs professionals need continuing professional development to improve performance and achieve organizational goals. Most government affairs professionals already have great leadership skills. The challenge they face is in expanding their capacity to exercise leadership in an increasingly complex and volatile business and political environment. Capitol Knowledge is led by a trained executive leadership coach with 30 years of professional experience, most of it in leadership and management positions. Our passion is in helping government affairs professionals develop their capacity for leadership, increase their energy and enthusiasm for what they do, expand their perspectives to empower action and autonomy, and create better alignment with stakeholders.
Grassroots Advocacy Grassroots Advocacy

The way people receive and react to information in the political process has changed dramatically over the past 10 years. To be effective in Washington, organizations need to better engage their stakeholders in their government affairs strategies and motivate them to take action on the organization’s behalf. Capitol Knowledge has a decade of experience developing and leading grassroots advocacy campaigns for trade associations, companies and non-profit disabilities organizations.
Policy Development and Communications Policy Development & Communications

Investing in government affairs means, first and foremost, protecting your organization’s interests. At a base level, this involves having someone to monitor legislation and regulations, alert you to new threats or opportunities, communicate your perspectives to policymakers, and provide strategic intelligence on issues of importance. Capitol Knowledge brings 30 years of experience building organizational capacity to develop and communicate public policy priorities with key stakeholders, and successfully achieving strategic political messaging objectives on behalf of clients.
Direct Lobbying Direct Lobbying

Being a thought leader, promoting your brand, and managing political risk requires direct engagement with policymakers. It also requires a partner who can present complex concepts and information in formats and venues that build trust and promote positive action. Led by a public affairs executive with experience in two Fortune 50 companies, a public policy trade association, and as a staff leader for two committees on Capitol Hill, Capitol Knowledge knows how to effectively engage legislative and regulatory officials directly to enable a client to play a constructive role in the policy making process.
Coalition Building Coalition Building

Capitol Knowledge has a broad and deep understanding of the complex relationships that make up coalitions, including industry allies, trade associations, political action committees, and public interest groups. The firm is led by a professional with a decade of successful experience organizing and leading coalitions, including those related to regional banking, tax reform, litigation reform, and e-commerce taxation.


Capitol Knowledge, LLC   |  1025 Connecticut Ave., NW, Suite 1000, Washington, DC 20036  |  (202) 828-1216